Do you have a favorite rosary, but like the ladder rosary design? Do you have a rosary that once belonged to a loved one, but is now broken or unusable? Perhaps you have a rosary whose parts are in poor condition but you want to continue using it. There is a solution to this- a Rosary reclamation or “Ladderization”.
Rosary ladderizations are when we take the parts from an old rosary: beads, crucifix, centerpiece- whatever could be salvaged- to remake the rosary into a ladder rosary. All parts that cannot be salvaged- wires, chain, etc. will be reverently buried in a quiet region according to Church norms, unless you request them to be sent back to you. This means that you can give your rosary new life and be able to use it for years to come.
To do a rosary ladderization, a few criteria need to be met:
- The beads need to be round- we cannot do anything with beads that have a flat side or shape, such as those that are shaped like hearts or made from beans or seeds. Oval beads or beads that are similar to our stock beads will work.
- We will not work with plastic beads. We can replace the plastic with a similar color of glass or stone, which can be found under the tab (parts selection). This makes the rosary more durable and gives it a better look.
- The crucifix and centerpiece need to still be serviceable. If they aren’t we will replace them with the option of your choice.
If your rosary doesn’t make the criteria, don’t worry. We have plenty of parts and options to choose from that can be added to fully restore your rosary. We can even add a saint medal, at your choice.
To determine the cost, we need to know what still remains of your rosary. Having the number of your beads is important as it will determine whether more beads will need to be matched and added. Any number of beads can be worked with.
The cost for a rosary reclamation where all parts are present is $65.00. Anything that needs to be added will be added to the price but we will work to keep the cost low. When we are finished, we will contact you with a payment form. Please fill out the form below if you would like a rosary ladderization and then send your rosary in the mail with your address, phone number, and email to
Benedict’s Beads
3228 Reynolds Rd
Independence, MO 64055
When you send your information, please also leave a note with “Ladderization” written on it. When you have finished, please add to your contact list in your email so that we don't go to spam.