• Design a St. Joseph Chaplet -
  • Design a St. Joseph Chaplet -
  • Design a St. Joseph Chaplet -

The chaplet of Saint Joseph rosary is divided into fifteen groups of four beads consisting of one white and three purple beads. On the white bead, which symbolizes Saint Joseph’s purity, announce one of the mysteries of the Rosary, and say two Hail Marys on that bead. On the purple bead, which symbolizes his saintly piety, pray, Praised and blessed be Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

At the end of the chaplet, pray,

V. Pray for us, O holy St. Joseph,

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray.

O God, Who predestined St. Joseph from all eternity for the service of Thy Eternal Son and His Blessed Mother, and made him worthy to be the spouse of the Blessed Virgin and the foster father of Your Son, we beseech You, through all the services he rendered to Jesus and Mary on earth, do Thou make us worthy of his intercession on earth and grant us to enjoy the happiness of his company in Heaven, through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

St. Joseph chaplets are traditionally made with purple and crystal or white beads for the Our Father beads. See the description below to learn more about this chaplet. Please note that this chaplet is made to order and may take up to 4 weeks to be shipped. Please select one of the Rush it! options if you would like to have it sooner. Please include the date in your description at checkout so we can plan on when to work on it.

Price: $76.30

    Our Father Beads:

    Bead Caps (Optional):

    We recommend only getting bead caps if your beads are druk or round.

    Medal (Optional):



    Rush it!:

    At Benedict's Beads, we hand make your rosary when it is ordered.  We typically make each rosary in the order that it comes in.  Some orders may take up to 4 weeks.  When you select the rush option, your rosary will be moved up in our queue and consequently will be shipped to you sooner.  How soon depends on our current workload.  Please note: this does not guarantee a particular date especially for large or international orders.  If you have a particular date you need us to make, please include it in the comments at checkout and we will do our best to accommodate it.

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